Hi, my name is Timothy Luckett, I am the Founder of J. Isreal Apparel. (Jesus Is Real) I started this brand in 2000 during one of the toughest times in my life.

I was about to go through a divorce, lost my job, and was sleeping in my car. I had hit rock bottom. To be honest, I was trying to end it. Everything I had was Lost. Gone. Taken. One decision can change your life forever. I decided to say goodbye.

While being homeless, I would go to my friend Curtis' house to take a shower and rest, but he didn't know that I was homeless at the time. 

One day I took a shower, put on clothes, and drank a bottle of a substance. I laid down, fell asleep and sometime later; my phone rang. I thought I was gone. I had been given another chance. I was still here.

After my call, I cried, grabbed a bible and said, "God show me something to help me get through this!"

The bible landed on Proverbs 3:5-6. The scriptures illuminated off of the page. Then the Word of God spoke directly to me. Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Until this very day, these are two of the most profound verses that I have ever read. They showed me that Jesus was real!  They reminded me of Jesus' sacrifice. They changed my life.

I heard something say, "Trust Jesus!" 

My next thought was, why isn't there a clothing brand to let others know what Jesus has done for us, that he's real. 

Then I said, "What if there was a brand that encouraged people to share what Jesus has done for them, then encourage other people to share their stories; what kind of impact would a movement like that have on the world.

J. Isreal Apparel Company was born. 

 Timothy Luckett

Chief Revolutionary